Prevent Policy

PREVENT [Preventing Extremism & Radicalisation] POLICY


Under section 26 of the Counter Terrorism and Security Act 2015 GRA have a duty in the exercising of our functions to have “due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism”. This duty is known as the Prevent Duty

When operating this policy, GRA uses the following accepted Governmental definition of extremism which is:
‘Vocal or active opposition to fundamental British values, including democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs; and/or calls for the death of members of our armed forces, whether in this country or overseas’.

Extremism: the vocal or active opposition to our fundamental values, including democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and the mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs. This also includes calling for the death of members of the armed forces.
Radicalisation: refers to the process by which a person comes to support terrorism and extremist ideologies associated with terrorist groups.
Terrorism: an action that endangers or causes serious violence to a person/people; causes serious damage to property; or seriously interferes or disrupts an electronic system. The use or threat must be designed to influence the government or to intimidate the public and is made for the purpose of advancing a political, religious or ideological cause.
Prevent duty is part of GRA’s wider safeguarding obligations.


GRA will operate within the following key principles when it relates to Prevent: risk assessment, working in partnership, staff training, and IT policies.

All extremists aim to develop destructive relationships between different communities by promoting division, fear and mistrust of others based on ignorance or prejudice and thereby limiting the life chances of individuals. Education is a powerful weapon against this; equipping individuals with the knowledge, skills and critical thinking, to challenge and debate in an informed way.

GRA does not tolerate extremist views of any kind whether from internal sources; learners, staff, external sources; college community, external agencies or individuals. GRA premises should be seen as safe places, free from harm or risk of harm. Where necessary GRA willaction referrals or processes to ensure that GRA remains a safe place for all.

GRA recognises that extremism and exposure to extremist materials and influences can lead to poor outcomes for learners and so should be addressed as a safeguarding concern as set out in this policy. GRA further recognises that if extremist views are not challenged, we are failing to protect our learners and staff.

GRA provides a broad and balanced induction and delivery programme delivered by experienced tutors, so that learners understand and become tolerant of difference and diversity. GRA will ensure that they feel valued and not marginalized. By embedding safeguarding and prevent in the delivery, learners will be better able to recognise risk and build resilience to manage any such risk themselves where appropriate, and also help them develop the critical thinking skills needed to engage in informed debate.

Any prejudice, discrimination or extremist views, including derogatory language, displayed by learners or staff will always be challenged and where appropriate dealt with in accordance with GRA’s disciplinary procedures

As part of wider safeguarding responsibilities, GRA staff will be alert to:
• The importance of promoting British Values throughout delivery and as part of the ILP review process.
• Disclosures by learners of their exposure to the extremist actions, views or materials of others outside, such as in their homes or community groups, especially where learners have not actively sought these out.
• Graffiti symbols, writing or art work promoting extremist messages or images
• Learners accessing extremist material online, including through social networking sites
• Learners voicing opinions drawn from extremist ideologies and narratives
• Use of extremist or ‘hate’ terms to exclude others or incite violence
• Intolerance of difference, whether secular or religious or, in line with our Equalities Policy, views based on, but not exclusive to, gender, disability, homophobia, race, colour or culture
• Attempts to impose extremist views or practices on others
• Anti-Western or Anti-British views
• Emerging groups such as INCELS or MUUR

GRA reserves the right to initiate our own internal policies in light of any safeguarding concern that may put a learner, other learners, or staff at risk of harm.

GRA will help support learners who may be vulnerable to such influences as part of our wider safeguarding responsibilities and where we believe a learner is being directly affected by extremist materials or influences. We will ensure that procedures are followed if directed by local authority, Prevent coordinator, police, and any other agency necessary to safeguard and support that learner and others.

Principles of the policy
1.Safeguarding:. Preventing vulnerable individuals from being drawn into terrorism is a
safeguarding issue and GRA policies and procedures are in place to help safeguard staff and learners.
2.Education: learners will encounter a variety of learning opportunities that explore safeguarding issues and enable them to become educated against the threats and harm of extremism and the threats of being drawn into terrorism.
3.Staff awareness: Staff should be made aware of the Prevent strategy and must undergo regular online prevent training.
4.Accountability: A risk register will be maintained and monitored by senior management to assess any risk of GRA staff / learners being drawn into terrorism
5.Celebrating diversity: The culturally diverse nature of GRA must be actively celebrated and promoted to counter the threat of radicalisation from external influences
6.Information sharing: Some internal and external information sharing will be necessary but only under appropriately controlled conditions. This does not amount to an agreement to share personal data on anything other than a need based and case by case basis.
7.Social media: Social media is a vehicle by which vulnerable individuals are particularly susceptible to radicalisation. Any social media and internet usage from GRA’s own devices is monitored and a strict firewall is in place. An alert system operates for any web site or key words used that may cause potential risk or harm to staff or a learner.
8.Website Filtering: GRA will block access to specific websites, network resources and IP addresses that provide or facilitate access to extremism materials
IT Usage: Regular and stringent checks will be made on firewalls, to ensure that access to illegal and inappropriate sites is prevented. In addition, guest log-ins will be tracked to eliminate risk of anonymised inappropriate access. Reports of attempts to access inappropriate websites will be provided to the Safeguarding Lead.
Guest Speakers: We will pay particular attention to guest speakers / events and ensure that materials and resources do not encourage or promote radicalisation or extremism. Vetting of both speakers and their materials will be carried out before approval is granted.
Staff Training: All staff will undergo ‘PREVENT’ online training with a particular focus on the susceptibilities and influencing factors which lead an individual to have extremist views. They will understand their duties with regards to raising concerns and how individuals can be further supported.
Raising Concerns: Where there are concerns of terrorism, extremism or radicalisation, learners / staff will report them to the Designated Safeguarding Lead. The procedure for reporting and referring safeguarding concerns will apply unless the threat is immediate and life threatening in which case the police will be contacted. Where appropriate, all information regarding concerns will be fed immediately through to the police, prevent and any other agency that GRA deem appropriate to contact. At this stage, the individual will be asked to remain at home and not access GRA premises until we receive further clarification/guidance. GRA will endeavour to keep in regular contact with the individual during the process.

This policy has been developed in accordance with the principles established by the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006, Prevent Strategy 2015, Counter Terrorism and Boarder Security Act 2019 and Counter Terrorism and Security Act 2016.It should be used in conjunction with GRA’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion [EDI] Statement


Confidentiality is crucial to all our work and relationships and GRA’s confidentiality policy should be adhered to except that the welfare individuals and takes precedence over it. Do not keep concerns relating to potential abuse / concerns regarding terrorism, extremism or radicalisation to yourself. Confidentiality may NOT be maintained if the withholding of information will prejudice the safety of individuals and or the community / country at large.

Monitoring and review of policy and procedures: This policy and related procedures is maintained by the Quality Team and will be updated where necessary to reflect updated legislation, feedback, improvements of operation and changes to the regulatory environment. If you have any comments and / or queries regarding the contents or the use of this policy, please contact the Quality team directly on: