IAG Statement

GRA offers impartial Information Advice and Guidance around learning, qualifications and progression. We aim to ensure that all learners and prospective learners have access to free, impartial, current and relevant information, advice and guidance to enable them to make informed decisions, to achieve their full potential and succeed in life.
Friendly qualified professional staff provide the service and take part in continued professional development. All our beneficiaries are formally assessed and are offered support accordingly.
GRA’s policy is to deliver our service in accordance with the nationally recognised matrix quality standard [www.matrixstandard.com] and we adhere to our principles which include:
– Providing impartial, responsive, friendly and enabling IAG services to learners
– Being accessible and visible to learners
– Ensuring staff are professional and knowledgeable to address learner’s needs
– Making learners aware of relevant IAG services
– Supporting learners to explore options for both learning and work
In conjunction with these principles GRA aims to ensure that:
– All members of the community have access to information, advice and guidance
– Services and delivery meet the relevant quality standard for learning and work
– All learners have access to current, accurate and quality assured information which is inclusive
– GRA collects, uses and shares learner feedback to continually improve the service
– Application of Gatsby benchmarks of good careers guidance where appropriate.
These comprise:
1. A stable careers programme
2. Learning from career and labour market information
3. Addressing the needs of each pupil
4. Linking curriculum learning to careers
5. Encounters with employers and employees
6. Experiences of workplaces
7. Encounters with further and higher education
8. Personal guidance
Support offered includes the following:
– Enabling learners to understand the learning opportunities available to them
– Offering the most suitable course at GRA or signposting to another College or community course which contributes to raising retentions and achievements and minimising drop outs
– Offering UK nationally recognised qualifications to underpin any pre-acquired skills.
– CV writing, job search, application forms and interview skills
– Development of IT skills
– Soft skills enhanced as part of the course delivery
– Finding funding for learning, training and employment
– Exploring career options
– Finding and applying for a work placement wherever appropriate
– Introduction and on-going support or signposting with Citizenship Skills
GRA is committed to providing a confidential service to learners and respects that:
– Learners deserve the right to confidentiality to protect their interests
– By guaranteeing confidentiality, GRA safeguards the services of giving IAG
– All sessions are confidential and everyone will leave the assessment with an understanding of their level, strengths and skills along with a personal action plan showing steps that need to be taken to reach their goals and aspirations.
– Learners on a learning programme with GRA will have regular, on-going SMART reviews completed. Tracking is on-going to ascertain the effectiveness and quality of support offered
GRA will handle information in compliance with the Data Protection Act and any current or subsequent human rights legislation, which guarantees a right of privacy
GRA acknowledges that, on rare occasions, it may be necessary to break the basic rules of confidentiality. These may broadly be defined as situations where the safety, rights and liberties of others or the individual giving information may be seriously at risk
Monitoring and review of policy and procedures
This policy and related procedures is maintained by the Quality Team and will be updated where necessary to reflect updated legislation, feedback, improvements of operation and changes to the regulatory environment. If you have any comments and / or queries regarding the contents or the use of this policy, please contact the Quality team directly on: quality@gragb.com